
Mathematics can be built on very basic principles. Many say college is needed to become a math genius, but this is not true. Many people begin with nothing, and after an alchemic transformation/process, they become geniuses. From basically nothing to something, that is what alchemy is and represents. Just an idea can bring you to greatness.

Ramanujan was one of the greatest math minds of all time. He has created countless theories to do with complex crystallography, trigonometry, string theory, etc. As a child, he didn’t learn anything about mathematics until age ten, with no formal education, how can someone become one of the greatest math minds of all time? He grew up in a small Indian village and somehow became a math genius. This could have only been done with the help of alchemy. Beginning with the bare minimum and somehow transforming and building until you reach excellence. This is Alchemy, turning almost nothing into something great.

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